
SYYK = "seek"

team up 

with an online
fitness trainer +
yoga instructor
anywhere via
the web + app

sign up for a free
app with fitness
tips + discounts

 please follow on social media

iOS and Android

In app chatting, push notifications, scan items of food or drink quickly when creating or logging nutrition plans.


6,500+ Exercises
Choose from our extensive video library of exercises.


600,000+ Food Items
Supermarkets, restaurants or supplements.

Track Stats

Results Tracking
Keep record of your workout progress and weight/measurements.

Damien A. Germino

psychology, yoga, mindfulness, and fitness teacher
Local news article
Saturday classes

seek plans


One time payment
$ 10 for 2 weeks
Access to chat with a trainer and have a workout plan on the web and mobile app.
Click below for details


One time payment
$ 50 for 8 weeks
Access to chat with a trainer and have a workout plan on the web and mobile app.
  • Click below for details


One time payment
$ 90 for 12 weeks
Access to chat with a trainer and have a workout plan on the web and mobile app.
Click below for details


Monthly payments
$ 20 & up
per month
Access to chat with a trainer and have a workout plan on the web and mobile app.
    Click below for details

seek us

Give us feedback, ask a question or send a comment!

clients seek us

“The app is very easy to navigate. The workouts have a good range of exercises and have increased my strength a lot over a few months. I feel more confident in my body thanks to this program, and I'm rocking some clothes I haven't worn in a long time!!”
- Alyssa

“I have never sweat this much before.” - Zain

"It's making me stronger & sore...I keep wanting more." - Danielle

"Awesome workout! Thanks so much." - Iyesogie

“This is so challenging, but I did it and like it.” - Kristen

"Damien crafts sequences that include some pretty advanced poses and suggests modifications as necessary, so we can each approach at our own pace."
- Caroline

Drop 5 pounds in the pond with PT